We're in the midst of preparing to launch our initiatives by 2025. Explore our mission and learn how you can advance our cause through making a financial gift today!


what we do

Learn about how we plan to make a difference in youth and their communities.

We firmly believe that by providing youth with alternatives and ensuring their access to prosocial recreational activities, we can enhance their overall self-esteem, ultimately contributing to the betterment of the community as a whole.

our vision

VISION STATEMENT: Every youth will discover their worth and purpose.

Mission Statement: The Elevate Project provides a space that promotes healing, hope, and a positive future for youth who are involved in or vulnerable to the juvenile justice system, gangs, or drugs.

Our primary mission is to provide a safe space where these youth, aged 15-24, can find healing, hope, and a path to a brighter future. We aim to break the cycle of incarceration, addiction, and violence by offering a place where youth can belong and be accepted.

Through a comprehensive range of programs and services, The Elevate Project empowers youth to make positive choices, develop essential life skills, and build resilience. We understand that true transformation requires more than traditional behavioral health services; it demands a supportive and caring community that values each individual's story.


our methods

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a key component of our behavioral health services for system-impacted youth. Our skilled therapists use evidence-based approaches and therapeutic models to help youth identify and understand the factors contributing to their challenges, whether related to trauma, mental health, substance misuse, or other issues. Through personalized treatment plans, goal-setting, and therapeutic interventions, individual therapy empowers youth to develop coping skills, build resilience, and work toward positive outcomes. The therapeutic relationship formed during individual therapy fosters trust and provides a non-judgmental environment where youth can express themselves, process their experiences, and work collaboratively with the therapist to achieve healing, personal growth, and a brighter future.

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities refer to leisure and enjoyable pastimes that promote physical, mental, and social well-being. In our programs, these activities offer youth a break from their routine, encourage physical fitness, foster teamwork, and provide opportunities for relaxation and fun.

Case Management

Case management is a client-centered approach that involves assessing, planning, coordinating, and monitoring services and resources to meet the unique needs of individuals or families. In the context of The Elevate Project, it includes assisting system-impacted youth in setting and achieving goals, accessing necessary support services, and navigating complex systems such as the justice or healthcare system.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where individuals with similar concerns or challenges come together in a group setting to discuss their experiences, share insights, and receive support. It provides a safe and empathetic environment for youth to explore their feelings, build coping skills, and develop meaningful connections with peers. The Elevate Project aims to have groups that include Anger Management and Narcotics Anonymous.

Skills classes

Skills classes involve structured lessons and practical experiences aimed at teaching skills that SI youth are interested in. These may include financial literacy, art, music, weightlifting or boxing, and other competencies or interests that empower youth to navigate life successfully.

Community activities

Community activities and field trips are organized outings that expose youth to enriching experiences beyond their daily environment. They can include visits to museums, parks, cultural events, or sporting events. These activities promote personal growth, broaden horizons, and nurture concepts for a fresh start in life.

Community service

Community service opportunities involve volunteering and giving back to the community. Youth participate in projects that address community needs, such as environmental cleanup, food drives, or helping the less fortunate. Engaging in community service instills a sense of social responsibility and personal fulfillment. This also creates an avenue that youth are able to complete their required community service hours for court.


Mentoring entails a supportive and guiding relationship between an experienced adult (mentor) and a younger individual (mentee). Mentors provide advice, encouragement, and role modeling, helping youth set and achieve personal and professional goals while providing emotional support.


Tutoring offers one-on-one or group academic support to help youth improve their educational performance. Tutors provide assistance with homework, study skills, and subject-specific content to enhance learning outcomes and build confidence in academic abilities.

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